Vendetta for a Dead Man
"Vendetta for a Dead Man" is the twenty fourth episode of the popular 1969 ITC British television series Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) starring Mike Pratt, Kenneth Cope and Annette Andre. The episode was first broadcast on 27 February 1970 on the ITV. Directed by Cyril Frankel.
A madman escapes from a lunatic asylum almost exactly one year after he was locked up by Marty Hopkirk. Seeking his revenge he finds that Marty has already died but learns that his widow Jeannie Hopkirk is very much alive and has inherited his money. He hunts Jeannie down who at the time was engrossed in a new love interest of her own eventually taking her to some rocky cliffs. There he intended to cast her into the sea exactly one year after he was caught in the same spot. But Jeff is in the nick of time...
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